What are nitrates?


  • What are nitrates?

When nitrates are broken down in our bodies by the bacterial they turn into nitrites which can be harmful. These nitrites can then turn into either Nitric Oxide or Nitrosamines. Nitrates are used for patients with cardiac issues (such as chest pain or heart failure), chemical then dilates blood vessels and can aid in cardiovascular health by boosting circulation so nitrates can be very useful for some times of people. BUT 4 in 5 patients taking it for these reasons report severe headaches as a side effect after taking it. Studies have also suggested an increase in consumption of nitrates can lead to migraines.

During the cooking of some foods, the nitrates can react with degradation products of amino acids, forming nitrosamines which are carcinogens (according to this study (article is not free), cooking bacon in the microwave is the best way to prevent nitrosamines being produced – for those bacon lovers) .

  • What foods are they found in?

Nitrates (such as sodium nitrate) are used for the curing of meat, this is because it prevents bacterial growth. It also reacts with the protein in the meat to give it a dark red colour – without it they would go brown very quickly. These meats include bacon, ham, gammon etc.

Nitrates can also be found in vegetables. Actually, they are the biggest source of nitrates in a diet. Much higher than what you might get from processes meats.

Low nitrate foods include:

  • Artichokes
  • Sweet Potato
  • Tomatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Broad Beans
  • Swuash
  • Green Beans
  • muchroosm
  • Peas
  • Onions
  • Garlic


Its worth noting foods with the following nitrates/nitrite ingredients:

  • E220 – Sulphur dioxid
  • E221 – Sodium sulphite
  • E222 – Sodium hydrogen sulphite/sodium bisulphite
  • E223 – Sodium metabisulphite
  • E224 – Sodium metabisulphide
  • E226 – Calcium sulphite
  • E227 – Calcium hydrogen sulphite/calcium bisulphite
  • E228 – Potassium bisulphite
  • E249 – Potassium nitrite
  • E250 – Sodium nitrite
  • E251 – Sodium nitrate
  • E252 – Potassium nitrate




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