Roasted Chicken & Veg (G,D,R,A)

Gluten Free Dairy Free Red Meat Free Roasted Chicken And Veg!

Low Acid Rating

Rating Easy
Enjoy this amazing roasted chicken and vegetables cooked to perfection.  Limited cooking experience needed; this recipe doesn’t require constant monitoring.

– Chicken (breasts or whole chicken)
– Carrots
– Parsnips
– Leeks
– Courgettes
– Paprika
– Olive Oil / Salt / Pepper

– Oven
– Chopping Board
– Sharpe Knife
– Foil
– Baking Tray x 2

Total time Estimate:

Prep – 5-7 mins

Cooking – 45 mins


– Pre-heat oven to 180 C

1) Score chicken, cover both sides in paprika, lightly salt and place in baking tray covered in foil.

2) Peel carrots and leeks then cut carrots, leeks and parsnips into small chunks and place in baking tray.

3) Lightly cover veg with oil, salt, pepper and 2 tsp of thyme.

4) Place everything in the oven for approximately 20 mins before adding chopped courgettes to the veg. Place veg back in there for another 25 mins. Stir veg occasionally.

5) Take out of the oven after a total of 45 mins, making sure the chicken is thoroughly cooked through.

Note: Cooking time needs to be adjusted depending on the type of chicken you use. If you are using chicken breasts, 45 mins will be enough. If you are using a whole chicken, you will need to adjust timings appropriately and place the veg in the oven when there is 45 mins remaining on the chicken.


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