Measuring Tips


Are you using dried herbs instead of fresh? Are you using ml measurements instead of cups? If you want to alter recipes to suit a different number of servings then cup measurements aren’t always easy to use. Below is some useful measuring tips for you to adapt recipes you find online or on this site:


Cup Measurements

MeasurementSuggested MeasurementExact Measurement
1 Cup240ml236.588ml
0.5 (1/2) Cups120ml118.294
0.75 (3/4) Cups180ml177.4412
0.3 (1/3) Cups80ml78.8627455


Tablespoon/Teaspoons Ratios

Accidentally put in 1 teaspoon instead of a tablespoon? No worries. Want to use ml instead of spoon sizes? Use the table below to do  your converting:

1 Tablespoon (tbsp)3 Teaspoons (tsp)
1 Tablespoon (tbsp)17.7582 ml
1 Teaspoon (tsp)5.919 ml



When looking to try out new recipes, chances are you don’t have all of the fresh herbs available. You will probably have a huge amount of dried herbs and prefer to use those. Dried herbs are generally more potent and concentrated than fresh herbs so you want to make sure you get the right amount to prevent the dish becoming slightly overwhelmed by the dry herbs you put in:

Fresh HerbsDry Herbs
1 Tablespoon (tbsp)1 Teaspoon (tsp)


Garlic Cloves

If you would prefer to use powdered garlic or you just don’t have any garlic cloves today, you can use the table conversion below to make sure you don’t have pungent garlic breath for days:

Garlic ClovesPowdered Garlic
1 Clove1/8th Teaspoon (tsp)
2 Cloves1/4th (0.25) Teaspoon (tsp)
4 Cloves1/2 (0.5) Teaspoon (tsp)

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