Healthy Flapjacks (G,D)

Gluten Free, Dairy Free Flapjacks

Healthy free from flapjacks!

Low Acid Rating

Rating – Medium

These flapjacks are brilliant for a healthy snack. These are very simply to make although they require a large amount of ingredients, hence the medium rating. Don’t be put off by this because they are definitely worth making.

– 1 cup of pre-soaked chopped dates
-3/4 cup of extra virgin coconut oil
– 1/2 cup of honey (NOT maple syrup)
– 2 cups of free from oats 
– 1 cup of grounded almounds
– 3/4 cup broken banana chips or 3/4 of a banana
– 1/2 cup of chopped pecans
– 2 teaspoons of grated nutmeg (or powdered nutmeg)
– 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds 
– Hob
– Oven
– Mixing bowl
– Pan
– Baking tray
– Non-stick baking papater
– Spatula

Total time Estimate:

Preparing – 15mins

Cooking – 35mins


– Pre-heat oven to 170 degrees C
– Cover Baking tray with non-stick baking paper

1) Add all dry ingredients (including the chopped soaked dates) into a mixing bowl and stirr.

2) Melt the coconut oil and honey in a pan on the hob

3) Mix the dry mixture and melted coconut oil/honey together.

4) Cook in the pre-heated over for around 35 mins (until golden brown).

Note: If you cook it for too long the flapjacks will go bitter. DON’T over cook them!

5) Take out of baking tray and allow to set on cooling rack. I prefer to cut them while they are still warm


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