Orange Honey Duck (G,D,R,S)

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Red Meat Free, Soy Free, Orange Honey Duck

A delicious, high class orange honey duck dish, fit for royalty. This meal is a firm favorite for those looking to impress their guests/date.

This meal has a lot of orange in it, so it’s a “Medium” Acid Rating. If you’re not good with the acid from oranges, I would give it a miss.

Rating Medium: This can be quite a fiddly dish to make initially, hence the amber rating but once you get the hang of it, is actually super simple, and quite impressively tasty!

Total time Estimate: 30-35 mins

Prep Time – 5 mins

Cooking Time: 25-30 mins


  • Oven
  • Hob
  • Frying Pan (large enough for 2 or 4 duck breasts, depending on how many you’re cooking for)
  • Oven Cooking Dish
  • Hot Matt (for placing the Oven Dish on when it’s hot)
  • Serving Spoon
  • Chopping Board
  • Knife
  • Kitchen Roll
  1. 2 x Duck Breasts (Duck fillets also work)
  2. 3 Oranges
  3. 120g Honey
  4. 4-5 Thyme Sprigs
  5. 2 Cloves of Garlic Or 1/2 teaspoon of granulated garlic (cloves are better but granulated garlic works)
  6. Salt
  7. Pepper
  1. 4 x Duck Breasts (Duck fillets also work)
  2. 6 Oranges
  3. 240g Honey
  4. 6-7 Thyme Sprigs
  5. 4 Cloves of Garlic Or 1 teaspoon of granulated garlic (cloves are better but granulated garlic works)
  6. Salt
  7. Pepper

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