About me

My name is Luke, I work as a Full Stack Software Engineer for a Cloud Computing company.

This website was originally set up so I could play with the back-end configuration (server side), with an added bonus of keeping all my food recipes in a single location. After investing a significant amount of time into the configuration, I decided to make it a long term project and add recipes when I have time (or remember to write them up).

All of the recipes are written for my dietary requirements. I am celiac, I can’t eat dairy products from cows and also have arthritis meaning I need to avoid acidic foods.

The aim now is to provide a resourceful website full of insanely flavourful foods, with step-by-step instructions for those that struggle to cook or struggle to find something worth cooking!

Follow my instructions to the letter and you should have some pretty amazing food.


If you like any of the information on this site, and you’d like to help me keep it going with more regular updates, please do buy me a coffee. Every little helps and it would give me the little boost I need to keep going.

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My other websites are more work related:


