Spirits (G,D)

Gluten Free Wheat Free Spirits!

“Distilled alcoholic alcoholic drinks do not contain any harmful gluten peptides – this is because gluten peptides are too large to carry over in the distillation process.”

Although the above statement is true, some celiacs have issue drinking spirits.


Safe Spirits:

  • Gin
  • Vodka
    • Blue Ice Vodka
    • Smirnoff Vodka
    • New Amsterdam Vodka
    • Three Olives
  • Whisky
  • Tequila – Naturally Gluten Free. Made using a blue agave plant. WARNING: Some cheap brands contain gluten! Make sure it says 100% agave!
  • Rum
    • Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum
    • Captain Morgan Rum
    • Cruzan Rum
    • Mount Gay Rum
  • Brandy – all brands are safe however be careful with the flavoured brands






Another very useful site for a larger list of gluten free drinks:


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